Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to Talibanization

Two years ago I watched a documentary on taliban, it is a draconian state where the value of ladies is worse than slaves, they are beaten, and badly beaten, if any part of their body is seen to a male. and all their life they have to masquerade in their 'Burkah'.

Sounds similar when these fascists, Ram Sene activists, come up in the name of God and beat women in the pubs and ,the most appreciable,  three CMs back their leader Muthalik. And state acts as a shelter for these fascists. this ultimately shows the mental development of many of us beacuse ultimately it is we who select these morons.

"Our culture is endangered" they say........

The idols of Khajuraho, Ajanta and Allora are also depicting your answer to them.

Culture is not something that you draw some do's and dont's for the mankind and they will be followed till the doomsday. Culture is the process of cilization and it is always changing, changing with times, generations and pace. Culture can't be drawn as 'must do' guideline for everybody.

See we have changed so far from Dhoti to Jeans, chitthi to phone calls, Pali to Hinglish, from an agrarian to services oriented economy and so on. Culture is not at all a stagnant thing. And the concept of casino in our society was their even in 2400 BC and liquor has remained the favourite beverage of our gods too.

Then why it is always considered by our so called leading parties that it is the obligation of the state to refrain people from consumption of alchohol via strong state action. 

We have been given right of freedom and right of expression by our constitution, why always some people come and curb the freedom of those who are innocent, and later on they get bail and our impotent judiciary keeps them hearing on and on and case gets off. 

from last 20 centuries our society has remained patriarchial, male when times are changing girls are getting freedom from the paws of traditionalists, these fascists are pulling their legs back.

If boys have right to drink then why not girls, where has gone the promise for equality??? 

In metro cities there is one thing that is very tough to cope with, it is anonimity, howsoever you become rich you'll still be anonymous in the crowd. This makes life hectic at a point, where one finds a place to enjoy and feel free, if pubs are providing such place then what's the problem in it.
Pubs are really a place to enjoy, to be original and to freak out with friends.

and the best thing they serve is the gentry that goes into these pubs, better than those county men who are found uncontrollable after boozing.

This is same organization that used to beat girls and boys who unfortunately were talking before them, breaking restraunts and showrooms on valentine and killing innocent muslims in the name of Ram.

Youth! beware, this is a slap on the face of globalisation, entering a stream of people with closed mindset in our society, talking about swadesi and culture when their own progeny is into it.

I would appeciate the move to be done by a proffesor of IIM-Bangalore on valentine as a peace protest by making human chains of loving people...............

to all girls reading this blog CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!